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Showing content with the highest reputation since 09/13/2018 in all areas

  1. The site was completely started from scratch, so even if you had an old account you'll have to reregister! I'm Jay. I started this nonsense back in 2002 then shut it down in 2012 or so as it was a losing battle against Facebook and other social media. Well guess who's back, baby. It only took the threat of millions getting sick and not being able to leave the house for the corona virus of websites to return. Since the site went on hiatus I moved from Cardiff to South Florida, got married, bought a house, adopted a dog, lost my wife to illness, lost my dog to illness. It's been busy
    9 points
  2. Hey all, and welcome back SWM! I used to (not that frequently) post on here back then, mostly band stuff, stayed away from the politics haha! Used to play in Taint (bass) and for the oldies that remember Disco Assassins and Diabolo. Still play in Spider Kitten (drums and occasionally bass) plus since SWMarmageddon l picked up guitar and formed Made Of Teeth with the bassist from Spider kitten (who plays drums in MoT) and the bassist from Lacertilia, 2 releases to date and album #3 on the way!
    5 points
  3. Hey hey, it's ya boi. I joined the massive back in 2005 and I ended up making friends with most of the people I had flame wars with. My band, Spider Kitten are still going, about to put out our 31st (?) release. I am considerably more chill than I was 15 years ago, but I still feel the same way about metalcore.
    5 points
  4. Gotta resurrect the classics. I've got a new pup who gets to come to my office and hang out with me, and so despite all the other crumminess that's something that makes me happy at least. He has a nice face.
    4 points
  5. Best one I heard was that the world is in lockdown because someone almost reached the end of the flat earth, and so now nobody can travel or the secret of the flat earth would be exposed.
    4 points
  6. I think we all know who the real Tiger King is, guys.
    4 points
  7. As someone who completely ditched Facebook on NYE last year (sick of everything from Brexit to a family member's ridiculous opinions) it's actually good to see this back, especially considering everyone on the planet is on lockdown. I have been enjoying a kind of "mini" SWM in a Whatsapp group for a few years with Rae, DT, Chris and Andi and Holdfast but those guys still bully me relentlessly, so it'll be nice to see some old / new faces! Currently sat next to Rae in our home office. I've been working in from home in the same job for almost 12 years now, so the lockdown doesn't feel
    4 points
  8. Hi! I started posting on here when I was 16/17 I think. 35 this year... 🤯 Made lots of friends on here, witnessed a lot of pointless arguments, went to many shows, put on a few, had a zine, married Phil from Elsid. Now we're seperated but we're best friends so it's OK. I live with my sister (Squeakyhead aka Lyndsey) and he lives with Howl, who I met on SWM.
    4 points
  9. I’m BVRZERK, hung out here in the hope of people liked my drawings. Oh and posted in the doom thread.
    4 points
  10. Nah brah, SWM's back. I never went anywhere.
    3 points
  11. Better Call Saul is the best thing around atm. This season especially is better than Breaking Bad even. Bob Odenkirk is absolutely killing it. He's phenomenal.
    3 points
  12. Nice, I'm gonna check that out. Thanks Coach. Ha, as I was reading this I was like 'Im sure that's the one I went to' and remembering seeing you at the end. They were always a fun band to see, and always been bummed I've not seen them play anywhere local here. I think the main thing that made me sad in the early 2010s when SWM started to fade was that it wasn't replaced by something newer, and better by young kids who had the energy and enthusiasm to do such things. I would've totally been on board with that, hell it would've probably spurred some joke war between sites or somethi
    3 points
  13. Matt Cheap formerly of SHOOTIN GOON, THE CHEAPSKATES and GOOD CLEAN FUN RECORDS label & distro. Managed ADEQUATE SEVEN for a bit, spent a lot of time touring the toilet circuit around Europe before working in film and TV production for a while. Played in a wedding band CAPITAL CITY SKA for 10 years and got paid more for the first gig than I ever did in the Goon. Also formed THE BARRY HORNS brass band with other ex-Goons, Ad7 boys and a few others (Howl joined in as well) and did that for 7 years before knocking it on the head. Living in Cardiff, still go to gigs though mostly in Bri
    3 points
  14. How timely. I swear I was trying to look back on some of the old and gold threads just a couple weeks ago for some nostalgic mirth. Was gutted to see it was all gone. I’m Hywel (of Bullets), and xhywelx before that. I guess SWM’s falling by the wayside coincided the beginnings of my career as a pencil pushing civil servant. Which I’m still doing in the health department of WG, currently embroiled in this Covid shit, so there’s really no escape from it. I was in all the bands back in the day and then hit 30 and thought “fuck that, I ain’t trying to be no old man in a rock band”. The
    3 points
  15. I was just thinking to myself the other day how SWM might be if it was back. I'm Rae, think I joined here originally aound 2005? Met MonkDave666 in 2007, married him in 2012, been married 8 years next month. Who saw that coming huh? Still live in Cardiff. Still have cats. Still a bit awkward. I'd sell my soul for a decent coffee at this point and I can't wait to see people's lovely faces again.
    3 points
  16. Disney+ cos I’m 34 now and only carefully targeted nostalgia makes me happy
    3 points
  17. Hopefully I’m less of a dickhead these days... I, like a good 60% of hardcore kids approaching 30, decided after a string of shitty office jobs I’d like to draw on people... I guess I’m OK at it. Been living in Plymouth for about 8 years and have 2 children with my fiancé, 2 cats and a house. Life is good. Still vegan!
    3 points
  18. I also love metalcore.
    3 points
  19. Still play bass and still don't say much. Here to post popcorn GIFs
    3 points
  20. I have not changed in any appreciable way since the old days.
    3 points
  21. So glad to see this back! Feel 15 years younger already. Better than Botox. Drummed for Shaped by Fate. Did a stint with Burning Skies and a super short one with Ad7 (whilst Ben was travelling). All super fun times. Now a GP in the Valleys. Married with 2 kids. Oh and..... COVID fuckin sux!!! (That's my official medical opinion)
    2 points
  22. New Deftones record is good, to zero surprise. Looking forward to listening to it on my speakers rather than tinny headphones.
    2 points
  23. Innit. That dry ski slope is especially shit.
    2 points
  24. Consumed - Heavy Metal Winner. Best song of any Tony Hawk game ever IMHO.
    2 points
  25. It's difficult to argue outside of RD and PF from a pure cinema point of view I guess. Outside of those I reckon I'd go Inglorious and then Hollywood.
    2 points
  26. Also repressed this memory. Thanks for dredging up my trauma, guys.
    2 points
  27. If we're talking Eisenberg, I was stood a few feet away from him at a party last year. We did not make eye contact and I did not speak to him. <anecdote ends>
    2 points
  28. It feels so right that we've all come back together to rag on the exact same things as back in the old days.
    2 points
  29. That's not fair now Tim, some of these bands existed for a good 6 months.
    2 points
  30. Or The Cowboy Killers, Douglas, Four Letter Word, Rectify and a cast a thousand other better bands than the ones on the "list"...
    2 points
  31. There's some new UKHC zine bouncing about in PDF format called Mentally Vexed that has a feature on Nuclear Family Records. I've uploaded it to this post. MENTALLY VEXED ZINE ISSUE 1 reduced size.pdf
    2 points
  32. McKee here. Nothing useful to report, I just work and eat Oreos.
    2 points
  33. This all hit right in the middle of me having an insane amount of things to do... had friends over from back home and luckily they came and went before it hit, but I was supposed to go to Tampa for 4 days for WrestleMania and a bunch of other things with one of my best friends which got cancelled, I haven't seen Inter Miami kick a football yet despite having paid up like $300 to them (they still keep taking my money, thanks lads) and the hockey season got upended too, and I was going to see Adam Sandler with my inlaws. So a bunch of things got 'postponed' (read: no refunds) but at least some w
    2 points
  34. Getting my bands next album out, been slow going since last year (due to individual band member commitments), get the ball rolling and then this all kicked off. So that, that and long cycles, lots of headspace long cycles in to the wilderness.
    2 points
  35. Heyoo. Alright. How's it going Names Ben. I used to put on gigs in BrynMawr, Ebbw vale around 2004-2006. Seen plenty of bands over the years. So just popped in for a nose!
    2 points
  36. Eliza is still a bit young for Duck Tales, but i'm persevering.
    2 points
  37. Hey guys, Ash here, my old handle was "cocco" if memory serves. Since the old days I've got married, got divorced, bought a house, sold it, bought another house, got a dog, got a snake, got some cats, grown a better beard that before, gone bald and started an OU degree in environmental science. I still play bass, currently in Good Morning Vietnam. Other interests include ice hockey, craft beer and cooking.
    2 points
  38. Older, not much wiser but less inclined to suffer fools gladly. Still making a rod for my own back with Mass Movement, did the band thing for a while again with AxTxOxTx, wrote for Doctor Who Magazine for a bit, finally got a publishing deal meaning that there's at least seven books on the way and started doing the podcasting thing with Chris (Andrews). Also discovered that, despite my punk rock protestations to the contrary when I was younger, I do want the finer things in life. Apart from that, it's business as normal, which means days filled with being a stay at home dad, comics, film,
    2 points
  39. That SWM is back. Yeah blowing smoke but hey
    2 points
  40. Someone speak to Nic and see if he'll let us send copies to people showing receipts of charity donations or something. Oh yeah I'm definitely worse than ever for sure. Liberal here is more synonymous with centralism, and I'm ready to burn down the DNC unless they given my man Bernie a go.
    2 points
  41. Oh hi. Guess who married an SWM member and bought a house with them. Otherwise I’ve got more liberal and insufferable over time. Ready to get back to arguing with members of Shaped By Fate on the internet
    2 points
  42. I will take plain old 'fun' right now!
    1 point
  43. 1. La Haine 2. Beetlejuice 3. Rushmore 4. Predator 5. Alien
    1 point
  44. Dave P.A. (Haven’t done any sound engineering for about a decade probably) Was in DDF/Wraith & a few other things. Used to do sound in TJ’s & Le pub. Living in Cardiff / work as a civil servant nowadays following giving up on teching etc - currently working through all the job retention scheme stuff.. Nice to get an update on what you guys have been up to.
    1 point
  45. I was super excited for Westworld but goddamn it was slow. Could've been 4 episodes shorter easily
    1 point
  46. I’ve actually started to jot things down on my magnetic monthly whiteboard pen fridge calendar (grown up tingz). It has just said FUCK ALL in the middle of it since April started so I thought this would be more productive. Candid list: -Wild swimming -Finish HAAST album (literally had one vocal recording session left) -Loads of outdoor lead climbing -Eat an obscenely expensive dinner somewhere -Long holiday in Italy -Motorbike trip to Ireland -Al fresco banging -Camp and climbing trip to Oxwich Bay -Host a BBQ That’s all I’ve got
    1 point
  47. Bozza can suck my plums.
    1 point
  48. A decade of absolute bullshit posts that I did under my real name like a total pro. Probs best it's gone.
    1 point
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