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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2020 in Posts

  1. I think we all know who the real Tiger King is, guys.
    3 points
  2. As someone who completely ditched Facebook on NYE last year (sick of everything from Brexit to a family member's ridiculous opinions) it's actually good to see this back, especially considering everyone on the planet is on lockdown. I have been enjoying a kind of "mini" SWM in a Whatsapp group for a few years with Rae, DT, Chris and Andi and Holdfast but those guys still bully me relentlessly, so it'll be nice to see some old / new faces! Currently sat next to Rae in our home office. I've been working in from home in the same job for almost 12 years now, so the lockdown doesn't feel
    3 points
  3. I was just thinking to myself the other day how SWM might be if it was back. I'm Rae, think I joined here originally aound 2005? Met MonkDave666 in 2007, married him in 2012, been married 8 years next month. Who saw that coming huh? Still live in Cardiff. Still have cats. Still a bit awkward. I'd sell my soul for a decent coffee at this point and I can't wait to see people's lovely faces again.
    3 points
  4. How timely. I swear I was trying to look back on some of the old and gold threads just a couple weeks ago for some nostalgic mirth. Was gutted to see it was all gone. I’m Hywel (of Bullets), and xhywelx before that. I guess SWM’s falling by the wayside coincided the beginnings of my career as a pencil pushing civil servant. Which I’m still doing in the health department of WG, currently embroiled in this Covid shit, so there’s really no escape from it. I was in all the bands back in the day and then hit 30 and thought “fuck that, I ain’t trying to be no old man in a rock band”. The
    2 points
  5. Gotta resurrect the classics. I've got a new pup who gets to come to my office and hang out with me, and so despite all the other crumminess that's something that makes me happy at least. He has a nice face.
    1 point
  6. The site was completely started from scratch, so even if you had an old account you'll have to reregister! I'm Jay. I started this nonsense back in 2002 then shut it down in 2012 or so as it was a losing battle against Facebook and other social media. Well guess who's back, baby. It only took the threat of millions getting sick and not being able to leave the house for the corona virus of websites to return. Since the site went on hiatus I moved from Cardiff to South Florida, got married, bought a house, adopted a dog, lost my wife to illness, lost my dog to illness. It's been busy
    1 point
  7. Not only did I watched it but I had the EXACT same reaction as you. Absolute twammers the lot of them...
    1 point
  8. Not really hating on much at the moment, perhaps surprisingly. Pretty zen about the pandemic of it all. What I’m absolutely not zen about is all the 5G conspiracy nutcasery that’s flying around. “People” in general are certainly seeming to get more stupid, and less discerning as the years roll by. I’m not even just talking about the “5G caused coronavirus” thread which is patently ludicrous. That’s only come about because there was already a mindnumbingly unscientific groundswell of anti 5G sentiment all over the internets ready to attribute all of the world’s problems to radiowaves.
    1 point
  9. Do they contain the vaccine?
    1 point
  10. 3 things - 1.Not gigging or practicing with my band brothers (not just today's hate of course! Unfortunately ongoing) 2. Attempting to fight off the alcohol inducing temptations of the joy that is homeschooling 😳 (but luckily its Easter hols at the mo!) and 3. people actually having the gall of wanting us all to clap for Bozza tonight!! (and I'm not meaning that its anything to do with him being ill, I'm not opening that can of worms!)
    1 point
  11. Great innit! Kids loving the movies, Me and Laura have been enjoying the wonderful human that is Jeff Goldblum! And of course The Mandalorian!
    1 point
  12. Disney+ cos I’m 34 now and only carefully targeted nostalgia makes me happy
    1 point
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