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Posts posted by holdfast

  1. (I’m trying to avoid talking about you know what on here, but this is obviously about before it all went down.)

    This forum was a hub for many people in South Wales and beyond, bought together a lot of talented people. 

    I’ve been out of the loop for a long time, I’d like to know what is going on in SW these days, what happened to bands, promoters and venues.

    In true SWM tradition I am talking  about the wide range of genres.

    What’s actually going on in places like Cardiff and Newport etc?

    I have a few specific questions to kick it off.

    Obviously local is important, but do less bands visit South Wales now, take Epitaph bands or similar, seems like it’s all Bristol and SW does not get a look in?

    Are we still suffering with the loss of TJs? What even is there now? I try to take a look when I pass on the train.

    Any input will be appreciated.

    Keep on trucking.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Hooked Lung said:

    I borrowed a pressure washer and it's the greatest thing. Anyone that breaks the social distancing rules within range of my yard gets pressure washed in the face.

    I also borrowed one and then was allowed to keep it, now I can’t believe I used clean the car using just buckets of water or a normal hose. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, BlackHowl said:

    How timely. I swear I was trying to look back on some of the old and gold threads just a couple weeks ago for some nostalgic mirth. Was gutted to see it was all gone. 

    I used to go on there quite a bit and read old threads, it was rather sad of me really.

    I asked jayx if there was some kind of bot program that would use all the past posts to continue posting, like a shit Black Mirror kind of thing.

    2 hours ago, JayX said:

    Oh, I see how it is! 😉

    It was a group for arranging drinking sessions and discussing beer, you wouldn’t like it, absolutely no love for lager on there.

  4. There must be somebody but most people aren’t aware this puppy is back.

    Perhaps this could be a thread for any flyers from any period and venue.

    Why the specific time frane, was 2004 the year of your first gig at TJ’s?

    My first visit was 2001, I was a big Bouncing Souls fan and I only got a ticket because I think Guttermouth pulled out as a result of 9/11.


  5. Remember when people used to back and individualy delete every post they ever made because they had a strop about something?

    I look at twitter too much and I don’t even have an account on there, it’s a piece of shit really isn’t it?

    It’s quite cliquey and it’s gotten even worse as a result of fear of bots, trolls and fake accounts etc. You have to have been on there for years, have 100s of followers before your opinion is taken seriously, even then you are a bot if your opinion differs. Fucking blue tick is bollocks.

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